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Health News and Tips

Select an article below to read more.

Popular Heartburn Medicines Recalled Due to Concerns

October 3, 2019

Recent medication recalls are in effect. Talk to your doctor about your heartburn symptoms, and ask about medications that are known to be safe for use.

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Social Activities Can Boost Your Brain Health

September 20, 2019

A recent study found that engaging in even just a single activity on a regular basis slightly reduces the risk of mild cognitive impairment.

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Important Information About Your New Medicare Card

September 16, 2019

Important information about your new Medicare card. Things you need to know!

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Fighting Inflammation in Your Body

September 10, 2019

Chronic inflammation means your immune system is attacking you. Diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and some metabolic syndromes are strongly linked to inflammation. Here are a few things you can do about it.

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6 Simple Ways to Make Walking a Daily Habit

September 4, 2019

For most of us, but especially those over 60, a simple daily walk is enough to offer significant benefits. But how do you get motivated?

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The Five Major Types of Arthritis

August 27, 2019

We tend to accept some amount of aches and pains after age 60 or so. But at what point should you be concerned about arthritis? And what can you do about it?

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The Importance of Healthy Blood Pressure

August 20, 2019

According to shocking new statistics from the American Heart Association, almost half of all American adults have high blood pressure. Learning how to treat it could save your life!

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Identifying Side Effects of Medication: When Are They Dangerous?

August 12, 2019

In most cases these prescriptions will be the right choice for your situation, but occasionally side effects do occur. What should you look for, with regard to side effects, and how can you know when a side effect might be dangerous?

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